
Where investing is right for you, we’ll help you construct and manage a portfolio built on sound investment principles, to help you achieve more with your money.
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The value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.

Your questions, answered

Should I be investing my money?

The answer to this question will depend on your specific financial circumstances, your appetite for risk, and your long-term goals. We work closely with clients to help them understand how they feel about investing as part of a comprehensive, long-term financial planning process. We advise always seeking expert guidance before investing and viewing investing as a long-term approach to building wealth.

How should I be investing my money?

Whether you choose to invest in equities (stocks), bonds, property or something else will depend on your goals, assets, how long you’re prepared to wait for returns, and your approach to risk. When helping people build an investment portfolio, we take the time to understand your big picture so that we can provide tailored advice specific to you.

Is investing risky?

There’s no such thing as “risk-free investing” and you should be wary of anyone making such claims. When it comes to advising our clients on how to invest their hard-earned money, we follow certain evidence-based principles, such as diversification of asset classes, which will help you reduce risk and keep it at a level you are comfortable with.

What is diversification?

We recommend including a variety of asset classes (types of investments) when constructing a portfolio. Diversifying helps reduce risk because different asset classes are likely to be impacted differently by the inevitable market rises and falls. The proportion of different classes can only be determined after a full analysis of your financial picture and approach to risk.

What kind of returns can I expect?

Nobody worth their salt can guarantee any specific returns on investments. Some investments offer the prospect of higher returns, but they typically involve greater risk. That’s why it’s important to fully understand your own appetite for, and tolerance to, risk before getting into investing. We always start by understanding you and your finances and build from there.

What happens once my portfolio is set up?

We offer ongoing services that provide advice and peace of mind for the long term. That means being available to answer your questions and seeing you regularly for progress updates. Regular meetings give you the chance to tell us about any changes to your life, finances, or priorities so we can act quickly with appropriate adjustments to your plan.

Please note, the value of investments and any income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should not be relied upon.

What our clients say

We’ve gained more than 65 five-star reviews on Google. Read what our clients say about working with us and how we’ve helped them achieve their ambitions.

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What makes us different

Our expertise

We’ve been in business since 2013 – but many of our advisers have been helping people make big financial decisions far longer than that. Our mortgage advisers, financial advisers and case managers all bring a wealth of knowledge they’re eager to share.

Our exceptional service

Our focus is on providing a high-quality, personalised service – with care. We’re delighted when clients tell us they see us as more than just providers of a service, but as trusted partners and friends, helping them make some of the biggest decisions in their lives.

Value for money

Fairness is something that matters deeply to everyone at Infinity, which is why you’ll always pay a reasonable price for our support. But the real value we provide can’t be measured in numbers and figures. It’s the sense of happiness and satisfaction you’re left with.

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